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Wednesday Night Mello Yello 50+ Rules


Each game will consist of two 22-minute halves. Any overtime period is 2 minutes.


Running clock until any timeout in the1st half (except in last minute), and the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half. In 2nd half, clock will also stop after made baskets during the last 2 minutes. In overtime the clock will stop for the last 1 minute.


Two timeouts per team per game. Official timeouts in each half as close as possible to the 14 & 7 minute mark the clock will stop. During 1st half, clock will run during timeouts (except in last minute). Clock will stop during timeouts in 2nd half. Teams may call a timeout late in the game after a missed foul shot or turnover to move the ball to the half court line as long as the timeout is called immediately after receiving the ball.


(5) personal fouls per player for entire game. If a player fouls out and his team has no available subs, that player can remain in game following a 2 shot technical penalty. If player remains in game and fouls again, it will be a 2-shot technical penalty.  In both cases, a technical penalty gives the team the ball that’s shooting the technical fouls.


There is a 30 second shot clock that the referee will keep. If a defensive violation or an offensive rebound occurs with less than 15 seconds remaining on shot clock, shot clock will reset to 20 seconds.


A technical foul also counts as a personal foul. 2 technical fouls in same game equals in an automatic ejection. Note: a player CAN be ejected with only one technical foul. If a player is ejected for 2 games, they are suspended for one game.


No player may taunt, boast, or berate another player (including his own teammate), referee, scorekeeper, or league representative.  If a player is heard doing any of these things, that player will be assessed a technical foul and if the player continues, will be asked to leave the courts.  If the infraction happens after the end of the players game, a technical foul will be called on that player and will be assessed at that teams next game.  If in the opinion of the referee or commissioner the infraction warrants, the player will be suspended for one or more games. 
One and one bonus on 7th team foul and 2 shot double bonus on team's 10th foul. If a team has 6 or fewer fouls under 2 minutes in the game the first foul that proceeds will take you to that 6th team foul or to 7th team foul which will result in a one & one bonus.


If both teams have 5 players at start of game, then EACH player must sit at least 3 minutes consecutively, each half.  If one team has 5 players and the other team only has 4 players at beginning of game, the team with 4 players will receive a technical foul to start the game.  the team with 5 players will need to sit their players. If the fifth player shows up, that team must sit each player at least three minutes a half (the late player will get credit for sitting the time he was missing from the game, i.e. if three minutes have passed in the first half, it will be deemed that player already sat his 3 minutes in the first half).  If the 5th player was not picked up to start the 2nd half a technical foul will be accessed a 2nd technical foul. The teams with five players must have each player sit for three minutes in the second half.  If you pick up a player, that player can play the entire game with the exception if a member of your team shows up to replace him (assuming that would make him the sixth player which is not allowed).


There is a 5-minute grace period to have required number of players (3) to begin game. A team must have at least 2 roster players for the game to be counted, if not the game is forfeited. 


Pickup rule: If a team is missing players, they may pick up a sub. The sub can be ranked 5 drafted spots lower of the highest ranked player missing.  It is the teams responsibility to make sure they have at least four players for the start of the game (team may start with 3) and if they want to pick up a player, that player must be in attendance at the start.

If the opposing team has their #5 a #5 will also be needed to be picked up in order to allow the higher ranked picked up player to play. If you already have your 5 you don’t need to pick one up.



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